Botball 2020 Team Member Sign Up Form
Please see for more information about signing up for a Los Altos Robotics Community Botball team.  You can call or email Michael Schuh if you have questions.  Home (650) 965-8037 and Work (650) 604-1460.

To complete your application after you complete and submit this form, you need to fill out and sign the form on page 6 of the 2020 Los Altos Community Botball Teams announcement and mail or deliver it and your donation to Michael Schuh by January 10, 2020.

Your contact information will be shared with all of the Los Altos Community Botball teams coaches and Board of Directors members.
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Team member's first name *
Last name *
Student's email address *
Parent's name *
Example: Michael and Wyn Schuh
Parent's email address *
Email List Permission *
Can we add your email addresses to the Los Altos Robotics email list?  We need the team member and their parents to be on the team list so they receive team emails.  If you answer "no" to this question, your request to join a Los Altos Community Botball team will be denied.
Parent's phone number *
Example:  Home: (650) 965-8037, Cell: (650) xxx-xxxx, Mom's Cell: (650) xxx-xxxx, Dad's Cell (650) xxx-xxxx
Address *
Your address will be used to mail your donation receipt and assist in organizing the teams so that people that live close to each other are on the same team when possible.  Example: 1630 Elmhurst Drive.
City *
Example: Los Altos
Zip code *
Example:  94024
Grade *
School *
Example:  Blach Intermediate School
First Year *
First year you were on a Botball team.  Use 2020 if this is your first year.
Experience *
When we divide people up onto teams in late January, we try to distribute the talent among the teams.  What experience and talent to do you currently have?  It is OK to leave any or all areas unchecked - use "Beginner in all areas" in this case.  Anyone who checks "Excellent Botball" experience level in any area should be ready to be a team lead in that area.  Check all that apply.
Preferred Role *
Some team members specialize and some do a bit of everything.  What do you want to do this Botball season?  Check all that apply.
FRC or other Robotics Team? *
Are you on an FRC, FTC, VEX, or other Robotics team that will be meeting during the Botball season?  If so, which one?  Enter "No" if you are not on another robotics team.  Example:  FRC 971 Spartan Robotics
Team preference?
Do you have a team preference?  Example: "I want to be on a team with Parker and on a different team than Mitch."  Feel free to make a list of friends.  While we try to satisfy all of these requests, there is no guarantee that you will be on the same team as your preference(s).
How did you find LACT?
How did you find out about the opportunity to join a Los Altos Community Botball Team (LACT)?
Clear selection
Is there any way that your parents would like to help such as coaching, hosting a team, and/or anything else?
Allergies *
Team meetings are typically held in people's homes.  Do you have a problem with being in a house with cats, dogs, or other things?  If so, which pets are you allergic to?  If you are allergic to something other than cats or dogs, list that in "Other".  Give us any additional helpful information on allergies in "Other" with this question or in "Comments" below.
Laptop *
It really helps if each team member has a laptop to use at the team meetings.  Can you bring a laptop to the training sessions and/or the team meetings to be used for programming and other team activities?  If so, what operating system(s) does it have?  Check all that apply.
T-Shirt *
Team members are given T-shirts at the competition and it is handy to have everyone's T-shirt size when they register.  All are adult sizes.
Information Sharing Permission *
Can we share your contact information with other team members and their parents?  It is much easier to manage the teams if everyone is good with their contact information being shared with fellow team members and coaches.  If you have some special situation where you do not want your information shared, please talk with Michael Schuh about it and we will see if we can work something out.
Is there anything else you want me to know?  For example, why do you want to be on a Botball team.
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