RoboChargers Femmes and Thems Robotics Camp, Aug 25th-26th
Register for RoboChargers' Femmes and Thems Robotics Camp! Camp sessions are Friday August 25th 4:30-8:00pm, and Saturday August 26th 10:00am-3:00pm, and will be in Career Prep Lab 1-404 at the high school. 

This camp is totally free to participate in and open to all femme-identifying and non-binary students enrolled at Conrad for the 2023-2024 school year. You will work together alongside current RoboChargers students and mentors to build a robot over the course of two camp sessions and learn essential robotics skills like laser cutting, 3D printing, and soldering.

Camp participants are invited to also attend the RoboChargers' all-gender robotics camp the following weekend and learn even more about what it means to be a RoboCharger.
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First Name *
Preferred Name (What do you want us to call you?)
Last Name *
Personal Pronouns
Example: she/they
Are you attending Conrad for the 23/24 school year? *
What grade will you be in this year? *
What days are you able to attend the camp? *
We will provide lunch on Saturday. Are there any food allergies, sensitivities, or restrictions we should know about?
Student Contact Information
Please provide contact information you check regularly as this is how we'll share information about the camp and robotics team meetings.
Email address you check regularly *
Cell phone number (Optional)
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Please provide contact information for an adult we should contact in case of an emergency.
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number *
This will be used as an emergency contact number (Example (214) 123-4567)
Safety and Behavioral Acknowledgement
Students participating in the Robotics Program at Conrad and its various outreach events will have the opportunity to work with industry professionals and will be treated as young professional adults with significant independence. Students are expected to self-regulate their behavior.

Students, under adult supervision, will be using industrial grade tools and machines which can pose significant safety hazards if all guidelines are not followed. Every person in the program is expected to take their safety, and the safety of their peers, as a personal responsibility. Anyone acting unsafely risks being asked to leave the program.

The purpose of this program is for everyone to have fun, learn new things, and build their network.  Behaviors which distract from those goal, or make others uncomfortable will be unacceptable.
I have read and agree to the above statement *
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