Barkly Park Master Plan - Community Survey
A while ago Rutherglen Football Netball Club, in partnership with the Murray Felines, conducted a placemaking survey to determine community opinion on current facilities at the Barkly Park Precinct. On the back of this feedback a preliminary Master Plan was developed to drive the future direction of upgrades to the precinct.

As a community, we now need to determine what we want to build and how to prioritise those projects. Your
participation in this survey will greatly assist our efforts to lobby for State, Federal and Local funding to
generate much needed upgrades to aging and substandard facilities at Barkly Park.

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Which postcode do you live in?
Which best describes your connection to Barkly Park
Do you believe that the existing Barkly Park facilities are adequate to cater to the user groups of Barkly Park and the wider community?
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Do you believe that the Rutherglen community has received a fair and equitable share of resources in comparison to other sporting and community precincts in our area?
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Which of the below identified improvements included in the preliminary placemaking plan would you wish to prioritise?  Please select up to 10 items.
Are there any facilities, not listed above, that you feel are important to include?
Would you support a major fundraiser to help establish a shared multipurpose facility at Barkly Park?
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If so, what amount do you think you would be most likely to pledge?
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Do you have any futher comments or suggestions in relation to the proposed preliminary master plan?
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