350 Seattle & Friends COVID-19 Mutual Aid Needs Form
350 Seattle is a citywide network of grassroots activists working in community to fight the climate crisis. We know that crises disproportionately harms people already marginalized by society (because of their race, class, dis/ability and health status etc). COVD-19 works the same way: This public health crisis creates an urgent need for solidarity within and outside of our network.  This is a powerful opportunity to show up for and support each other now. In doing so, we build structures and connections that will leave us better prepared to respond to future crises.

When you fill out this form, you add yourself as a contact for supports that you can receive from our neighbors into a spreadsheet. We hope that our network can serve as a support system as our government fails to serve those most vulnerable. People will be able to see your name, email address, and what you can need, and are invited to reach out to you directly for support. We will do our best to coordinate support by neighborhood.

If you have needs or requests and are showing symptoms, please let the person who contacts you know so that they can plan accordingly.

Please note that sending in a request is not a guarantee of receiving aide, but we will do our best to match you with someone offering what you need.

DISCLOSURE: This information will be shared on a PUBLIC google doc which is why we ask that you do not leave your full name or address. Those who are willing and able to help will be able to access the google doc and will contact you via the information you provide below.

(Big thanks to 350 MA for setting the groundwork on this form)
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Email *
First name *
Best email/phone number for people to contact you *
What part of Seattle do you live in? *
Please check off what you need: *
Please elaborate or comment on other needs that you have, please be as specific as possible:
Do you need housing, short or long term? (room to elaborate in following question)
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* If you need housing please elaborate on family size  and other relevant info
Please feel free to express any concerns, ideas, exclamations, feelings, anxieties, etc. here:
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