13th Asian Bird Fair Learning Session/Forum Reservation Form
Please fill-up the form to reserve seats for your students in specific learning sessions (grade school students) and/or forums (high school and college students) at the 13th Asian Bird Fair.

13th Asian Bird Fair 
November 21-22, 2024 at The Tent Las Piñas City
Name of school/homeschool cluster *
Level of students attending *
Learning Sessions and Forums are designed for specific levels. To sign up for multiple levels, please submit a separate form.
Number of students attending *
Kindly indicate the number of students and teachers attending to ensure your slots for the session you are signing up for.
Learning Sessions (Grade School and High School) *
Short lecture about birds, wetland habitats, and their importance from members of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines, followed by fun games to check what they have learned and win prizes too! Students will have free time to go around booths with a Passport to fill-up.

To sign up for different levels, please submit a separate form. Thank you!
Forums (High School and College) *
Different forums for high school and college students, as well as the general public, tackling a variety of topics ranging from conservation to ecotourism.

To sign up for different forums, please submit a separate form. Thank you!
Contact Person *
Contact Email *
Thank you for signing up!
We look forward to seeing you at the 13th Asian Bird Fair at The Tent Las Piñas this November!
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