Inform USA Board Application
Inform USA (formerly The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems or AIRS) is the professional membership association for community Information and Referral (I&R) serving the nonprofit and government sectors. Inform USA is the driving force behind delivering quality I&R services and the sole source for standards, program accreditation, and practitioner certification for the I&R sector. Our diverse membership comprises individuals, agencies, community organizations, governmental departments, and others, primarily in the United States and Canada, who help connect people to the services they require. Thousands of I&R practitioners in our member organizations answer approximately 28 million inquiries yearly about community, social and health services. The Inform USA Board of Directors comprises outstanding members in the I& R field who dedicate their time to the ongoing success of the organization and its members.
All board members will be Inform USA members or represent member organizations.
The Inform USA Board traditionally meets in person once per year during the annual conference. I understand that my organization (or myself) is responsible for any expenses related to attendance at this meeting.
I understand this is a participatory board and that I have been recruited and elected to contribute my skills and expertise. I commit to serving on at least one committee and being active on the Networker in support of fellow members.
The board holds bimonthly online meetings. I understand that I must attend at least 75% of these meetings within 2 years. The Executive Director and Board President should give advance notice of an absence.
I understand that I must be accessible and responsive to other board members and actively participate in implementing board objectives and work.
In Board deliberations, I recognize that Inform USA is my priority. I will work to steward the organization and embrace and articulate Inform USA's vision, mission, and goals.
All board members will be asked to sign a confidentiality and conflict of interest declaration.
I understand that the board functions most effectively when all members contribute honestly and openly with professionalism and respect and will strive to meet that expectation.
By submitting this application, you agree to the terms as described.