Please use this form to report any incidents of bullying or prejudicial incidents.
This may be an incident experienced by you, or witnessed by you.
This information will be shared with your Head of Year and the Welfare Lead for your year group to follow up.
It is likely they will want to speak to you regarding any incident that you report.
Bullying and prejudice may take any of the following forms, but is not restricted to only these:
Rude/aggressive gestures.
Hostile/disdainful looks.
Verbal abuse – name calling, spreading rumours, humiliation, threats.
Physical aggression – includes physical intimidation, assault, kicking, hitting, punching.
Exclusion from peer group.
Hiding belongings or theft of property.
Sexually abusive or sexually explicit comments, unwanted physical attention or contact.
Racial harassment.
Ableist comments or actions.
Homophobic bullying – physical or verbal abuse focusing on the issue of a person’s sexuality.
Cyber bullying; any form of abuse or intimidation by means of mobile phone or computer technology e.g.: Facebook comments, Tik Tok, Snapchat or Internet abuse.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form. We will do our very best to resolve the issue, there is no problem too small. Remember you are not in trouble for reporting this, and you are not alone.