BK Firm Survey
Answer a few questions about your practice and receive a free 30 minute 1-on-1 session with leading consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Jason Allen to review your practice and see if there are opportunities for your firm to grow. If you received this in regards to the webinar this will help Jason focus on certain topics based on your answers!
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Correo *
Name *
Phone Number *
Do you want to grow your practice? *
How do you get new clients? *
If marketing, do you do any of the following? *
If you buy leads from a third party company, which companies do you use?
How do you contact prospective clients? *
Do you offer installment plans for your clients before filing their case? *
What payment processor do you use to accept payments? *
How do you follow up with clients who NSF? *
How many more clients could you handle without adding any staff? *
Date & time to be contacted by Attorney Jason Allen *
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