Rosebud Playschool Application
Please submit your $25 application fee along with this form via Venmo or Paypal

Email *
Today's Date *
Child's Full Name *
Child's preferred name
Child's birthdate *
Child's gender *
Your name *
Phone number *
Address *
Is there another parent and/or another household? If yes, please include Name, phone number, email, address, etc. *
Does your child have siblings? Do they live in the same household? What are their names/ages/genders? *
What drew you to this program? What are your goals for your child and/or family while participating in this program (social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, etc)?
Do you have any familiarity with Waldorf Education? Describe. *
 How comfortable are you with your child being outside in all types of weather? Taking risks like climbing trees, being around open flames?
Waldorf early childhood programs work carefully to support the development of the child’s physical and spiritual bodies. During these first critical years of development, children need human interaction, imaginative play and lots of physical movement. There is substantial and compelling research demonstrating the negative impact of electronic media upon the neurological development of the child. Therefore, it is requested that the families within this program agree to strongly limit their child’s exposure to screen media. We ask that you refrain from exposing your child to any television, movie or computer screens during our school week: from Sunday evening until Thursday morning. When a child watches television the evening or morning before attending school, they have a difficult time listening to a story, watching a puppet show, or engaging freely in play because their mind is already filled with the pictures they saw on a screen.

Is this something your family can get on board with?
Please briefly describe your child’s experience and tendencies in the following areas
Interaction with peers *
Interaction with adults
Ability to understand & follow spoken directions
Independence in self-help skills (dressing, toileting, shoes, etc) *
Previous group experiences  (enter n/a if not applicable)
Has your child been in any group settings with other children their age, with or without parents? Please describe. *
Have you left your child with a babysitter or dropped your child off at group care settings such as preschool, daycare, etc? Please describe. How did the good-byes go? *
What were some positive aspects of programs your child has attended?
Negative aspects or challenges? *
Do you have any concerns about your child from past daycare, school, or group experience? If so, please describe.
Your Child
What are your child’s favorite toys and activities? Please describe your child’s special interests and joys. What is your child naturally drawn toward? What excites your child?
What does your child find challenging? What frustrates your child or upsets them? When your child is upset, what helps to calm them down?
What do you see as the biggest challenges/struggles that your child is currently working on?
Does your child have any special needs or learning differences, or diagnosed or undiagnosed emotional or cognitive challenges? If so, please describe/explain. Please note any evaluations or therapies your child has received or is currently receiving. *
Describe any important experiences or significant changes your child may have had in the past year or may experience in the coming school year (moving, new baby, weaning, etc)
Does your child have any allergies or food intolerances?

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about yourself, your family, or your child?

What enrollment type are you applying for? *
Are you interested in applying for a work-trade agreement in return for partial tuition remission? What type of service would you offer and what it your professional/personal experience in that realm? *
How will you be paying the application fee of $25? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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