ABRHS Incident Reporting Form
Please use this form to report concerns about bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hate or bias.

The information you provide will be emailed to our building administrators. It's important to be aware that these staff members will only view reports during school hours 8AM-3PM.  If you submit a report outside of school hours, it will not be viewed until the next day school is in session.

If you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE DANGER, please call 911.

NOTE: You can choose to provide your contact information or make this report completely anonymous by not telling us your name (we won't know who you are). However, an anonymous report may impede the investigation in the event that we have unanswered questions about your report.  If you choose to tell us who you are, we can maintain your anonymity in most cases. Please be aware that in most cases, traditional disciplinary action cannot be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on the basis of an anonymous report.

Submitting a false report is prohibited and may require intervention from school administration and/or police.
Sharing Permission *
I understand that the information in this report will be shared with ABRHS building administrators who will investigate the incident.
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This form was created inside of Acton-Boxborough Regional School District.

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