NJ Student Sustainability Coalition Interest Form
Greetings! Thank you for taking interest in connecting with student sustainability leaders at campuses across the state. This coalition functions as a consistent collaborative network run by student leaders to build power and expertise on environmental sustainability work throughout the state.

We connect through regularly scheduled coalition virtual meetings, with intermittent in-person meetings/events planned at will by the students involved.

For the purpose of this coalition, "sustainability" is intended to at least partially include an environmental focus to some degree, even if environmental sustainability is not your exclusive or primary focus.

With questions, concerns, or additional ideas, feel free to contact Sarah Liu by email at liusarah56@gmail.com.
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Email *
Name (First & Last) *
Phone Number *
Expected Graduation Year *
School or Campus (please be specific if your institution has multiple campus locations and please be aware that you may only join our coalition if you are a student in NJ) *
Organization (if applicable)
Position in Organization (if applicable)
Are you interested in leadership within the coalition? *
Are you interested in community service hours? *
Which teams or campaigns would you be most interested in joining?
What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply!
To communicate frequently with ease, we've created a coalition Slack Channel; would you like to be added to this? *
Occasionally we send out text reminders about our calls or political actions that our members can take; would you like to receive these messages? *
Do you give us permission to be added to our MailChimp email list? *
Any additional thoughts (recommendations for call topics, interest in helping lead the coalition, contact information for others who may be interested in this coalition, etc)?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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