COVID-19 Resources | SOTY Alumni & Community Partner Form
We value our Startup of the Year Alumni and our Community Partners, and we know during this challenging time, many of you are addressing critical needs and providing important resources. Please let us know what you are doing below or what you will be doing in the near future.

If you have any questions, please email directly.

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Contact Name *
Startup/Community Partner Name, and if appropriate, your year of participation with Startup of the Year *
Website *
Are you currently addressing COVID-19 with a live product or service? *
How are you addressing COVID-19? or How do you plan to address it? Please provide 2-3 sentences describing what you and/or your company is doing/will be doing to address COVID-19. Example(s): 1. Your Product Pivot (ie. 3D printing to now make masks); 2. Resource Guide for Founders. *
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