FBIN Club Tool Box Survey
Football organisations - we are mainly focusing on clubs, but also interested in insights from leagues and federations - are using many different tools, services and software for communication, management, marketing or commercial activities.

We would like to learn what tools you use, how you find the right tools, how much you spend on them and much more.

The goal is to get a picture of how football organisations work with tools, services and software. Based on this survey, we will create a report with the findings.

All data is used anonymously unless otherwise agreed with the author - for example for quotes or to show specific cases.

All participants receive access to the report in advance.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch: maurer@footballbusinessinside.com
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What's your name? *
How can we reach you (email, phone, etc.)?

For example if we have any additional questions or solutions for your problems. And to send the final report.

What organisation are you working for?


What is your position?

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