Your well-being is important! Please take a minute and check in with us. In the interest of our collective health- please answer the questions accurately.
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Email *
Which B+P Office are you visiting? *
01  // Where are you in your vaccination journey?
Should you not be able to mark YES on one of the choices below, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR OFFICES.
I'm full vaccinated
I'm halfway there
I'm not vaccinated, but I have a negative PCR test that is less than 72 hours old
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02 // In the past 7 days have you: *
Should you mark YES on both options below, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR OFFICES.  Note CLOSE CONTACT is defined by the Department of Health as having had face to face contact(<1 metre) or having been in a closed space with a confirmed Covid-19 case for at least 15minutes not adhering to social distancing of 1.5m, where hand hygiene was not followed or where there was potential contact with the secretions from coughing or sneezing.
Been a CLOSE CONTACT of a confirmed positive COVID-19 case?
Are you showing symptons?
03 // In the past 7 days have you: *
Should you mark YES on both of the options below, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR OFFICES.
Tested positive for COVID-19?
Are you showing symptoms?
Please insert your temperature below [as provided by the covid representative] : *
If your temperature is above 37.2 degrees Celsius- for the sake of our collective health - PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR OFFICES
Thank you for your answers.
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