Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild                                     Speaker Request Form
Thank you for contacting the Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild's Educational Outreach
and Speakers Bureau.

Please provide contact information and answer the questions below so we can plan for your event.

After receiving this information, a speaker coordinator will contact you to make final arrangements.

Please note that we require a 3 week advance notice for any speaker request.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Name of Organization or School *
Phone number
What is the proposed date of your event? *
What time is your event? *
How long will the speaker be presenting? *
Address *
Is this request for a school? *
If so, what age/grade are the students?
How many students?
Is this for an organization, corporation, agency or a youth service group?
How many people will be attending?
What format is appropriate
Clear selection
Would you prefer an online session via Webex or Zoom, and can you facilitate such a presentation for your group?
Clear selection
Is there an honorarium/donation?
Clear selection
Click the blue SUBMIT button and you're done!
Please provide any additional event information below:
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