Garcia Street Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. In any given volunteer day individuals will get to learn & help with:
Soil Amending
Seed Starting
Crop Planning 
Companion Planting
Pest Management
Greenhouse Management
& More!

The work will be outdoors so the following items are recommended:

- closed toe shoes
- a hat and sunglasses (highly recommended when it's sunny and hot)
- gloves (we can provide these if needed)
- water bottle
- Sunscreen

218 Garcia St.  
(cross street Wyoming Walk)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
WLast Name *
Email Address *
Would you like to be subscribed to our newsletter? (If yes, please make sure to fill out email) *
Zip Code 
Do you have any experience urban farming or gardening? 
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How did you hear about us?
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Are you an Alamo Colleges Student? Please Specify which school? (IE SAC, PAC, ST. Phillips, NWV) 
Tuesday Cut Flower Harvest General Farm Help (9am-12pm) Please select dates you would like to attend. 
Note: These are Summer Volunteer Hours from May-August 
Wednesday Produce Harvest Farm Help (9am-12pm) Please select dates you would like to attend. 
Note: These are Summer Volunteer Hours from May-August 
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