Community Early Intervention Youth Pre-Survey
This is a survey given by Envision Partnerships to assess knowledge and understanding of specific drugs. 
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The vapor that comes out of a vaping device is:  *
Nicotine vapes are safer than cigarettes. *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Imagine a person vapes occasionally, how likely are they to become addicted?  *
Not likely at all
Extremely likely to become addicted
Imagine a person vapes daily, how harmful would this be for their health?  *
Not harmful at all
Extremely harmful
Imagine a person vapes occasionally, how harmful would this be to their health?  *
Not harmful at all
Extremely harmful
How much do you agree with the following statement? Tobacco and vape companies target young people in advertisements.  *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
How much do you agree with the following statement? Tobacco and vape companies target adults in advertisements.  *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
How hard would it be for you to refuse or say no to a friend who offered you a vape?  *
Very easy to refuse
Extremely difficult to refuse
How hard would it be for you to refuse or say no to a friend who offered you alcohol?  *
Very easy to refuse
Extremely difficult to refuse
How hard would it be for you to refuse or say no to a friend who offered you marijuana?  *
Very easy to refuse
Extremely difficult to refuse
What are your goals regarding vaping? *
Media messages are straightforward and clear to understand.  *
Not at all clear
Extremely clear and easy to understand
Which of the following drugs can be addictive?  *
Marijuana impairs judgement and can cause health problems. *
Alcohol use can cause cancer. *
When people use substances, like alcohol, they take risks they wouldn't normally take. *
It is safe to drive when you smoke marijuana *
I know what healthy coping skills are.  *
In the past 30 days I have used *
Not at all
Used occassionally
Used regularly
Used frequently
Vaping Products
Other drugs
Do you think it is ok to gamble money or personal items? *
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