NFU-Europe Convention Pre-Survey
Dear Wirfon and friends of Wirfon, Please complete this short survey and let us know if you will be attending Nso Family Union 9th Annual Convention. This will help us plan better. Thanks, NFU Convention Committe, NCC).
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Will you be attending the convention? *
If you will be attending and will bring kids along, indicate the number of kids/teenagers you will bring that are less than 18yrs. NB: Only one parent should complete for children so that we do not have duplicates. Ignore this question if you will not be bringing children.
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If you will be attending and will be inviting  friends to join as guest, indicate how many you will bring along.
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In which NFU Europe local chapter do you belong to?
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If you did pick "other" above, please specify your country of residence.
Please share with us your comment or information you will need from the organizing team. 
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