Conscious Business Culture Self-Assessment Test
The Conscious Business Culture initiative connects and shapes a community that sees performance and value creation as the true measure of their operations and agrees that market competition develops them in the same way as win-win business collaborations. The basis of their positive attitude is the acquired knowledge and the desire to continuously improve. They also deeply believe that their performance can serve as a reference for other companies and contribute to making Hungary a better functioning, competitive country and an even better place.

The Conscious Business Culture self-assessment test was created to give businesses the opportunity to think about what to look for in terms of responsible business conduct, transparency and awareness when completing it. If the result is at least 80%, the company or firm can proudly hold the title of Conscious Business Player. We hope that more and more companies will reach this level and become a reference for others as well.

If there is a question where you are not sure in your answer or the answer ‘no’ is not true maybe the question is not relevant to your company, then please select the option ‘not relevant’.
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The questions in this block do not affect the test result.
On which field your company operates? (select from a list) *
When was your company founded? (please provide the date of foundation) *
Where is the company's seat? (list of counties) *
Where is the company's site? (list of counties) *
Does the company have a co-owner? *
How many employees do you employ? (select from a list) *
What is the ratio of female and male colleagues? (Give a ratio expressed in a percentage as the following: x% M / x% F) *
Does your company have corporate social responsibility strategy or concept? *
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