Schoolcraft Connection Newspaper Application
Thank you for your interest in working for the award-winning Schoolcraft Connection student newspaper at Schoolcraft College. Please fill out the following information and representative from the editorial team will contact you as soon as your application is received. Please allow up to 3 business days for response.

To work  on the Schoolcraft Connection staff all students must fulfill the following requirements:

1) Schoolcraft College cumulative GPA of 2.5 higher (incoming students will be accepted on a probationary period through the fall semester)

2) Be currently enrolled for 6+ credit hours for the Fall and Winter semesters

3) Must meet standard academic progress with an academic completion rate of 67% or higher (does not apply to new students)

4) Must have completed less than 90 credit hours

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Student Number *
Address/City/State/ Zip Code *
Phone number *
Major field of study at Schoolcraft *
High School Attended *
Credit Hours Completed at Schoolcraft:
Credit Hours Currently Enrolled:
Anticipated time remaining at Schoolcraft:
Anticipated number of hours for newspaper per week *
Positions applying for (check all that apply) *
Please comment about how you qualify for these positions: *
Do you have any prior newspaper or yearbook experience: *
If you answered Yes to the previous question, what is the name of the newspaper or yearbook you worked on and what position/duties did you have:
Are you currently employed:
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If so, are you hours flexible enough to attend newspaper meetings and/work assignments:
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Are you currently involved in any other extracurricular activities? If yes, please specify:
What areas of interest do you want write about (check all that apply) *
If you are applying for a photographer position, what types of photography are you interested in? (check all that apply) *
Do you own your own camera? *
If so, what kind: *
If you are applying for design/video positions what programs do you have experience with? *
If you are applying for a multimedia/video position  do you have experience with any of the following: *
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