EOYA Planning
Answer the questions below to create an action plan for your End of Year Ask (EOYA). PS - Don't sweat it if you aren't able to answer everything right now. The most important thing is to create a basic plan (here's one we've seen work for others: https://solomon.reliant.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=159089267). You can build onto your basic plan as you go. A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provide.
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HOW MUCH do you want to raise in this EOYA?
Ask the Lord to give you a number (it should scare you a bit). Minimum $10,000.
HOW MANY people are you planning to personally ask?
This is usually a Top 20-40 list of larger-capacity people, special-gift donors, those who have never given and those who don't give on a monthly basis. To find these people, Reliant recommends prayer, along with a 3-5 year lookback through your database. Here's how:  https://solomon.reliant.org/display/mtdmanual/Review+and+Segment+the+Donor+List+-+Element+%231 
WHO are the people you're planning to personally ask: Have you made a LIST with their names?
This list should include name, phone number, email, current mailing address, and a list of their gifts over the past 3-5 years with dates. Here's how to find these names:  https://solomon.reliant.org/display/mtdmanual/Review+and+Segment+the+Donor+List+-+Element+%231 
If you haven't completed this list yet, when do you plan to have it done?
Recommended: before the end of October.           Sample timeline: https://solomon.reliant.org/display/public/mtdmanual/Sample+Timeline
It helps to reconnect before we make an ask. HOW are you going to RELATIONALLY RECONNECT with those whom you are planning to ask?
Examples: a) Thanksgiving card with your smiling face and a hand-written note. b) A personal thank-you to those who haven't been thanked in the last 6-months. c) A personal text to see if they're ok/ pray with them. d) one-on-one time
WHEN will you RELATIONALLY RECONNECT? *Include WHEN you need to order materials and mail cards (if that's part of your plan).
Recommended: If sending Thanksgiving cards, put them in the mail the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.      Sample timeline: https://solomon.reliant.org/display/public/mtdmanual/Sample+Timeline  Sample cards: https://solomon.reliant.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=85494695
Recommended: face-to-face or voice-to-voice ask. Approach and ask may vary based on the person. Know thy donor. Some use a letter to kick off the conversation. Here's an example: https://email.denisonministries.org/a-time-of-ax-sharpening 
WHEN will you personally INVITE PEOPLE TO GIVE?  
What methods will you use to FOLLOW UP on that invitation to give? *plan for 5-7 follow-ups!
Recommended: Send something (could be a letter or email) that emphasizes the vision (what they're giving toward) and tells how to give (address for checks, URL for online giving or EFT/LifeLink). Other follow-up / reminder methods include text, phone call, Christmas card, DM, voice memo, etc. Deadline for giving is December 31st. Back your follow-up deadlines before this date. Here's an example of a letter: https://email.denisonministries.org/a-time-of-ax-sharpening 
WHEN will you FOLLOW UP on the invitation to give? *plan for 5-7 follow-ups. 
What resources do you need to help you carry out this plan? *
Check all that apply
To schedule a one-on-one strategy call with a Reliant coach, please leave your number below.
If you want to plug into an EOYA weekly cohort group (via phone or video), choose the time/ day that works best for you:
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Other> Record here anything else you want to mention/ remember about your EOYA plan.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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