Applications should be submitted no later than the end of January
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 Information about the company
Company name *
Year of inception *
Business idea  *
(max 200 words - What do you do and why should you be chosen?)
Business description *
(max 1000 characters - what, why, what stage, market potential,...)
Industry / Sector *
Important historical milestones *
(max 1000 characters - include numbers and dates to show progress)
Next steps for the company? *
(max 1000 characters)
Number of employees *
Key competences in the team/management *
(max 1000 characters)
Turnover and /or expected turnover (make sure you clarify the year) *
Profit and/or expected profit (clarify the year)
Applying company's contact person
Name *
E-mail *
Mobile *
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