Livestock and Farm Equipment Needs
We have the opportunity to apply for a grant for up to $8,000 through the Tobacco Trust Fund to purchase some new livestock and/or farm equipment that could be rented out. Please answer the questions below regarding your need/interest. Remember that we already have 30 cattle panels, a hay probe, soil probe, hay temperature/moisture meter, Mobile Poultry Processing Unit, Cattle Scales, and Meat Grinder/Butcher Kit available for rental.
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Do you need access to a portable cattle chute? *
The grant is only for $8,000, so it will be basic and NOT a squeeze chute.
Should we wait and find a larger grant to purchase a squeeze chute instead of a basic model? *
Do you need access to a portable head gate, palp cage, and bow gates? *
these could be used with our 30 panels to make them more useable
How many head of cattle would you work?
Are you a member of the Stokes County Cattlemen's Association?
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Do you need access to a portable Sheep/Goat (Small Ruminant) chute? *
If funds allow, we will include some panels in the application.
How many head of sheep/goats would you work?
What other equipment should we request?
Have you ever worked in tobacco or for a tobacco plant, warehouse, etc.? *
Have you (or anyone else) EVER raised tobacco on any part of your farm? *
Contact Information
Optional - so that we can follow-up with you if needed and let you know if we take action on the above items. 
First Name
Last Name
Email Address or Preferred Contact Information
Comments/Anything else you would like for us to know.
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