JTL Purchase Request

Jericho Town Library is happy to accept purchase suggestions from patrons with JTL cards and regular patrons with home libraries within the HomeCard network. Before you send in your request, please check our library catalogue to make sure that we do not already own the material in question. While we do our best to honor purchase requests, we are not able to buy every item that is recommended to us. Our purchases are guided by our Collection Development Policy, which is available to read on our website and at the library.

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Your Name *
Email *
Do you have a library card with Jericho Town Library or another library within the HomeCard network? *
Information About the Material You Are Requesting
Type of material *
What are you requesting? 

This can be as specific as "Tom Lake by Ann Patchett" or as general as "more nonfiction books about dinosaurs for kids". If you selected "other" as the material type above, please explain here.
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