2022-2023 Clare Area Weekend Food Backpacks
By filling out this form, you are signing up to receive a backpack of food throughout the schoolyear. You will return the backpacks on Mondays, they are re-packed and sent home again on Fridays. You may opt-out of this program at anytime by contacting the program through phone/text at 989-400-2639 or by email at clarewkndbackpack@gmail.com . Specific program questions can be sent by phone/email as well. If you have multiple children, please fill the form out for the oldest child in the primary school. 
Đăng nhập vào Google để lưu tiến trình của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm
Email *
Child's Name to receive the backpack (Bags can be heavy! Please fill out for the oldest child in the primary or middle school.) *
Grade  *
Teacher's Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Address *
Phone number *
Names and Ages of all other children at home (if none, answer 0) *
Bản sao phản hồi của bạn sẽ được gửi qua email tới địa chỉ bạn đã cung cấp.
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