Menopause Wisdom Circles with Georgina Peard 
Welcome to Menopause Wisdom Circles with Georgina and special guests. 

The Menopause Wisdom Circles are about women supporting women, each on her own path, listening to understand, validating experiences, acknowledging efforts, embodying and celebrating inner wisdom, and having a laugh on the way.

In these Circles we value ...

SharingInforming ourselves and sharing experiences to enable conscious choices. 
Deep ListeningCultivating safety for inner inquiry, feeling and contemplation. We listen with compassion.
RespectEvery woman is a Queen in her own right. Her journey and her choices are respected.
Slowing DownTaking our time to regulate our nervous systems and creating soft space to integrate.
PleasurePrioritising this essential portal to feminine wisdom and support for body, mind and soul.

Confidentiality - We do not share the names of participants or their stories with anyone outside the Circle.

Our focus here is inquiry, supporting each woman to dive into her own journey and find her own way through. This is an inclusive space for deep and compassionate listening. There is no judgement or pressure around personal choices, no definitive truths, and no advice.

Online Circles generally include :
·       Introductions and framing of our conversation / theme
·       Personal reflection on the theme
·       Breakout room (1 or 2 people) - with specific prompt/question
·       Presentation from Georgina and / or special guest - Personal stories, current inquiries & useful tips
·       Breakout sharing rooms with useful prompts
·       A gathering of our ‘gifts’ on this theme
·       An integration practice to wind down

Who is this for?
Those going through the menopause transition, anticipating this, or integrating what they have recently experienced. Those in late reproductive stage, peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause, whether naturally occurring or due to illness or medical intervention. The only requirement is a genuine sense of curiosity for yourself and others. No need for previous experience in Circle.

There will be no recording of the sharing circle available.

Circle Host and Facilitator 
Georgina Peard is passionate about helping people access and relax into a deep embodied state of worthiness and belonging, and to recognise their innate genius. With roots in Celtic spirituality and cyclical wisdom, and a palette of experience in Yoga, Shamanism, Tantra, Somatics and Circling, she is a spaceholder for sensitive listening and a doula for connected awakening. She sources wisdom in life’s everyday experiences. Georgina is a certified Heart iQ Circle facilitator, massage therapist, and yoga teacher, with 15 years experience in women's group facilitation, transformational programmes, bodywork and therapy. In 2017 she founded a women’s community where she lives in Switzerland to support women to gather and thrive. 

Fill in your details below and complete the questions (some are optional just to help me better customise this and future sessions for you). To confirm your participation please make the payment when you submit this form.

Contribution: 25-35 CHF / Euro  

For payments in CHF:  IBAN: CH87 8080 8004 1945 5013 / Georgina Peard, 1180 Rolle (preferred option).
Twint: QR code below.
For payments in Euro: via Paypal to

I will send you in due course the link to join the call and a reminder the hour or so before.

These are live events. You will need to have your camera and microphone on. In order to maintain intimacy and confidentiality, there will be no recording of the sharing space.


With love
Georgina xxx

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Email *
First Name *
Family Name *
I will participate in the following Circle(s): *
What phase do you feel you are currently in? Your own feeling, definition and understanding of this is just fine.
What excites you about meeting with other women to explore the menopause transition?  
What are your biggest questions, interests, or challenges in relation to menopause? These might be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
How would you like to feel or what would you like to experience ? What could support you? 
How did you hear about these Circles? *
Please make the payment before you send in this form so you can use the QR code below for CHF or the paypal option for Euro. *
Any questions or suggestions? 
Payment CHF via IBAN (preferred option)
Payment CHF via TWINT
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