Protect What's Good - Endorse ongoing advocacy to ensure protections for Willamette Valley Brassica Seed Growers 
The Willamette Valley is one of the vegetable seed capitals of the world, a very special place for growing high-value seeds, and an economic powerhouse for our state. Currently, cultivation of rapeseed/canola, a low-value oilseed that can irreversibly undermine the vegetable seed industry through cross-contamination and increased pest and disease pressure, is capped at 500 acres in the Willamette Valley Protected District (WVPD). 

However, this cap is set to expire at the end of July 2024 and permanent protections are needed. During the 2024 session, the Oregon legislature can and should codify protections like mandatory pinning and isolation distances of brassica crops, thus ensuring that this vibrant part of our farm economy remains strong for generations to come. Visit Protect What's Good for more information.

Please join us in Protecting What's Good by endorsing advocacy for brassica seed protections in the WVPD. 
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Would you like to endorse advocacy for brassica seed  protections in the Willamette Valley Protected District (WVPD)?  *
I am willing to help protect brassica seed production in the WVPD by:  *
Would you like to be included in future communications regarding brassica seed protections in the Willamette Valley Protected District (WVPD)?   *
Visit Protect What's Good for More Information
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