Badminton Courts Booking Form at The Agape
Bookings are strictly for Agape Methodist Church members and tenants only. Minimum Booking is 1 hour and maximum is 2 hours. 

Booking Hours are Mon - Fri: 7.30pm to 9.30pm, Sat: 2.00pm to 9.30pm and Sun: 3.30pm to 9.30pm. Advanced booking is only allowed for a maximum of 3 months. Quarterly booking periods are Jan, Mar, Jun and Sep. In the event if there is a major event at the Atrium, your booking may be cancelled or postponed which you will be informed via email. Bookings will be processed only during office hours from 9am - 5pm Mon-Thu and 9am - 12pm on Fri. Please ensure you receive a booking confirmation before the session. 

You may approach the security at level 1, Fire Command Centre that is near the toilet if you require any assistance. You are to bring own sports equipment for your games. If you use our nets, please return them in good order after use.

Do note that the person who books must be one of the players. If you do not turn up within 15 mins of the booking, the court(s) will automatically be released to other interested parties.

Kindly take note that users of the courts accept full responsibilities of risks associated with participation in this activity, such as physical and/or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability, death or economic loss.

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Please select your booking date as follows:
Please select your start time
Please select your end time
No. of Courts *
Your Congregation/Category *
Name, Email, Contact No. and Tenant's Organisation where applicable (incomplete information will result in unsuccessful booking) *
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