Now more than ever, it is important for all activist organizations and nonprofits to be united in the fight against injustice so we can amplify our efforts. We feel the best way to align our advocacy efforts and community projects is by hosting a summit to discuss our collective goals for 2021.

The Sacramento Activist Organization Summit will take place on Saturday, February 27th from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. All organizations will have the opportunity to: 1) be introduced at the beginning of the event, 2) collaborate with each other in breakout rooms based on their organization type, and 3) establish collective action items during our large group resolution session.

Please fill this form out to register your organization to be formally recognized during the summit. All members who would like to attend need to fill out this form to ensure they receive the zoom information for the summit. We also want to get an idea of how many organizations want to register for this event and roughly how many people you think will join us from your organization. We will send out the zoom information for the summit a week before the date! Can't wait to collaborate with you all!
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Phone Number: *
Email: *
To formally register an organization for this event, please list the organization name here:
Which breakout rooms would you or your organization like to participate in? *
Breakout Room Descriptions
How many people from your organization do you think will be present at the summit?
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