Power of Us: Events, Media, and Consulting
We (Jay Van Bavel & Dom Packer) are interested in sharing our work on the science of social identity, group dynamics, and collective behavior with a broad audience (see www.powerofus.online). If you'd like us to attend an event, visit a podcast related to our book , do an interview, or solicit our input on organizational issues, we have a very short form to help us see if there is a good potential for a collaboration.

We are fortune to get more requests than we can handle so we tend to prioritize paid opportunities, large audiences, or events that are purchasing copies of book. We are also able to get to most requests much faster if you would be willing to host either Jay OR Dominic. Naturally, we are also happy to help share the news about your event on social media if you tag us.

If you have any questions, please email us at: powerofusbook@gmail.com and you can also get more information on our book website (powerofus.online) and access our media press kit (https://tinyurl.com/a67whxhu).
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Can you describe the event or request in a few sentences?
Are you looking for a speaker, panelist, or consultant?
Who are you interested in working with?
How many hours of time are required (e.g., a panelist for 2 hours that requires no preparation is a 2 hour commitment, writing a brand new talk might be 20 hours, consulting for 5 hours a week for 2 months is 40 hours)?
Will the event require travel time/costs or can it be done remotely?
When is the time commitment (e.g., October)?
What is your budget for a speaker or consultant (hourly rate or total budget)? Or will you be able to buy books for the audience or provide a book giveaway if it's an event (if so, how many books)?
Please provide your contact info (email) and organization.
What is the estimated audience size for the talk/panel/podcast (e.g., downloads per episode of a podcast or number of people at a live event)?
Do you want us to promote your event/podcast/etc? If so, please tag us on various social media platforms and we will try to promote the event to our followers.
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