Diploma Name Confirmation
Diplomas will be printed using the information that the district has on file in Skyward. Please confirm the accuracy of your name as it was listed in the personalized email that was sent to your school email address. If you did not get an email confirming your diploma information, please reach out to Mrs. Leber right away at aleber@cvschools.org or 717-506-3659. If you have any questions or need further clarification, also reach out to Mrs. Leber.

This form should be completed by the end of the school day on Friday, January 26, 2024, and will stop accepting responses at midnight.  After that, we will order diplomas as you have indicated.
Email *
Graduating Student: ID Number - (list the six digits beginning with a 2) *
Graduating Student: Last Name *
Graduating Student: First Name *
Graduating Student: Middle Name *
Is your name spelled correctly on the personalized email that was sent to your school email? *
If your name was NOT listed correctly, please enter your correct full name as it should be printed on your diploma:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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