Student Final Self-evaluation
Please take a few minutes to honestly assess your performance and degree of learning in the current internship/project-based experience. This self-evaluation affords you the opportunity to reflect on your experiences holistically and to have faculty analyze your performance, learning, and professional development. The questions on this evaluation align with the Career Readiness Competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges & Employers and were modified from the Intern Performance Evaluation Template created by the University of Washington Internship & Career Center.

Your responses on this evaluation may be shared with your professor/adviser for their review and discussion. Any public use of the information you provide in this form will be presented in aggregate form only and will not include any personal identifying information.

Please provide your background information then click the "Next" button to continue to the evaluation form.
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College/University *
What project did you work on? *
What company did you work with? *
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