Thank you for supporting the Oregon Brewers Guild by volunteering at our 19th annual Portland Fresh Hops Festival at Oaks Amusement Park.
Please complete the sign up form and if you have any questions, contact Christina LaRue directly via cell at 541-390-8325 or by email at
As a thank you for your time, you will receive a volunteer shirt and an event glass and drink tickets that can be used at the festival outside of your shift. You will also receive a four pack of our State of Excitement Collaboration Beer! Thank you again for supporting the Guild and Oregon craft beer!
Volunteers will need to bring a refillable water bottle and their own food/snacks.
OLCC Server permits are preferred, but not required to volunteer. We will have pre-shift meetings to go over OLCC regulations, as well as how to recognize and deal with very intoxicated persons (VIPs). If you do have an OLCC server permit, please have it with you for your shift.
Friday, October 6th:
Saturday, October 7th:
Taps will close promptly at 6:00pm due to a Halloween event at the park, with last call at 5:45pm each night.