STAGES Mind's I Request for Financial Support
Dear friend,

Thank you for your interest in Terri's 12-month transformational journey, The Mind's I, and for your inquiry about Financial Support. We are grateful to offer a few scholarships for this course.

We are not able to provide full scholarships, so the support that STAGES is offering is a discount on the full price of the course ($7000).

If you are interested, please fill out the form below. Please answer thoughtfully but limit your responses to no more than about 500 words per question. After you submit, you will receive an email with a copy of your application. 

Applications will be open through Sunday, September 1. We will notify you within the first few days of September. If accepted into the scholarship program, you will need to register as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you, the offer may be withdrawn in order to make the funds available to another applicant.

Please contact our support team if you have questions:

The STAGES International Support Team

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name
What is your profession? *
Please tell us a bit about the circumstances that led you to request financial support.
Have you received other scholarship or financial assistance from us in the past? If yes, please list the amount of support and for which STAGES programs. *
Our financial aid fund is limited and we are unable to award full scholarships, so we want to get a better understanding of what might be possible for each of you. The question below will help us to understand how to best support our applicants, and assist as many of you as possible in joining the course. Please let us know what amount you might be able to contribute to the tuition for the course. This could involve a monthly payment plan between 6 and 12 months in length, beginning in September. 
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