WHS Office Aide Form SY 23-24
Fill this form out if you are a Senior and would like to request a OA block in your schedule. Your counselor will let you know sometime in mid-May if you were selected. If you have requested to be a teacher's aide, you can't request to be an office aide the same semester.
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First Name *
Last Name *
By checking the box below, I verify that I have talked with Mrs. Woods (our attendance secretary) an she has given me permission to fill out this form.
What block do you want to have your OA? *
By checking the box below, I verify that if I am selected to be an Office Aide I will tell my parent/guardian to email my counselor that they approve me being a OA for the above situation. *
By checking the box below, I verify that I know I do NOT get credit for being an OA and have told my parent/guardian this information. *
By checking the box below, I verify that I know that student athletes must be enrolled in 3.5 credits worth of classes to maintain athletic eligibility. (for any MSHSAA sanctioned activity) *
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