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2025 YSM MICRO-GRANT Application form
Apply to receive business coaching sessions and a micro-grant between $2000-$4000. Only submissions that meet the application requirements (including word count) will be considered. Submit by Friday, January 24th, 5pm.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Applicant's full name (if your business is a collective, provide all group members' names).
Your answer
Business name
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
Are you applying as part of a collective or group?
Are you or your business based in Regent Park, Cabbagetown or Moss Park? If not, please provide your area.
Your answer
Have you participated in any YSM programs? If so, please specify which program(s).
Your answer
What is the status of your Business?
Planning Stage
If your business is operational, how long in years and months has the business been operational? Example: 2 years and 2 months
Your answer
What is your business idea? Please provide a detailed description of your business - vision, goals, products/services, achievements to date, and challenges. (Minimum of 300 words)
Your answer
What are your long-term goals for your business? (100 words)
Your answer
What obstacles or challenges are you currently facing with scaling up your business? (200 words)
Your answer
How much money are you requesting? Between $2000- $4000 per business.
Your answer
If you receive a micro-grant, how will it be invested into your business? Please provide a list of all items and an action plan (how you will spend). (Minimum of 100 words)
Your answer
Describe how this investment will support your business growth. (Minimum of 200 words)
Your answer
Have you participated in the YSM Micro-Grant Competition before?
This program requires attendance for weekly coaching sessions over the next two months (10 sessions in total) and participation in a grant interview. Do you commit to attend coaching sessions AND the grant interview?
I acknowledge that the information I am submitting is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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