Keep Families Together- An open letter to all members of Congress
On June 29, local representatives of the Lawyer Moms of America will visit their U.S. Senators and Members of Congress across the country to deliver this open letter demanding a just and humane resolution to the ongoing crisis of families seeking asylum in the U.S. being separated or detained at the border.

Lawyer Moms of America is supported in this effort by allies including non-lawyers, non-parents, and many others who are unwilling to stand by while our government violates the basic human rights of families and children.

Please sign this letter asking Congress to bring a swift end to this national crisis.
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Families Belong Together
Pantsuit Nation
Wind of the Spirit
Physician Moms Group
Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom
Children Now
Central Phoenix Inez Casiano National Organization for Women
Central Arizona National Lawyers Guild
Carolina Peace Center
League of Women Voters - Florida Chapter
One World, One Love
Perfect Love Foundation
Action Together New Jersey
American Constitution Society
Shared Harvest Fund
One Justice
Lawyers for Good Government
Action Together New Jersey
New Jersey Citizens Action
Westfield 20/20
Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA)
LA Voice

Elizabeth Bartholet
Morris Wasserstein Professor of Law,
Faculty Director, Harvard Law School Child Advocacy Program

Delegate Patrick A. Hope
Member, Virginia General Assembly

Delegate Alfonso Lopez
Member, Virginia General Assembly

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I would like to volunteer.  Please connect me with my state team.
I agree that the above information maybe shared with my federally elected representatives so that they can hear from their specific constituents. I understand that Lawyer Moms may contact me via email for related actions, but that my information will not be shared with any other organization or individual other than as stated herein. *
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