Nurture Science Forum Survey

As a part of APPPAH's Nurture Science Initiative, we want to hear how you have shared the perspectives of Birth Psychology with your colleagues in the medical field. Please provide your feedback to the questions below. Your feedback is so important, and we value your participation~ thank you!

We will compile the answers to the survey to share at the Nurture Science and Birth Psychology Forum on Sat, September 24, 12:00-2:00 pm EDT. All answers will be shared anonymously and your personal information will only be available to the internal wAPPPAH Nurture Science team.

Brief Explanation of Birth Psychology (AKA, Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology)

Because of compelling evidence, known by indigenous cultures for millennia and in the western world for the last 100 years, we know that babies are conscious sentient beings with the capacity to learn and to have their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences before and after birth.  In the baby’s experience of conception, pregnancy, and birth, there are opportunities and potential consequences for individuals, families, and society. This knowledge changes the ways in which we interact with babies and their mothers before and after birth and provides opportunities to prevent, minimize, and heal early trauma.

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Your Name, credentials (your personal information will not be shared)
Location- State or Country
Email address (optional but highly recommended in case we need to reach you for clarification)

In general, what has been your experience of sharing Birth Psychology concepts/ ideas/ principles with colleagues in the medical field?

Very Difficult
Very Easy
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In general, when you share Birth Psychology concepts/ ideas/ principles with colleagues in the medical field, what is their response?

Very Interested/ Want to know more
Clear selection

What words have you found to be helpful in sharing Birth Psychology concepts/ ideas/ principles with colleagues in the medical field? Please select all that apply here, and there is a field below to add additional words that you have found to be helpful.

Please share additional words or phrases that you have found to be helpful when sharing Birth Psychology with your colleagues in the medical field:

Are there any words that you have found to be not helpful when sharing Birth Psychology concepts/ ideas/ principles with your colleagues in the medical field?

In your opinion, what is the most important thing medical professionals need to know about birth psychology or compassionate birth practices?

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