Book Launch of Love Alone (Registration)
The Faculty of Theology cordially invites you to the launch of Love Alone. Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Trinity and the Paschal Mystery by Professor John Berry. The event will be held in St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina (in the Holy Crucifix  Chapel) on Tuesday, 28 March at 6.45 pm. 

The presentations shall take cue from the wooden crucifix sculptured by the Sicilian Franciscan Fra Inocenzo from Petralia Soprana in 1640 and donated to the Cathedral by Bishop Fra Giovanni Balaguer da Camarasa as well as the highly exceptional work in inlaid marble designed by the Maltese Artist Francesco Zahra in 1765 that covers all the floor of the Holy Crucifix or Relics chapel. 

The Panelists include Professors Keith Sciberras, Yvonne Dohna Schlobitten, Monsignor Hector Scerri and Honorable Evarist Bartolo. Refreshments will be served following the event. The book is available for purchase through a donation. All proceeds go to ALS MALTA. 

More info: / 2340 3166.
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