Student Interest Form
Please fill out the form below and a faculty member will reach out to you. Thank you!
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Email *
Date *
Student's Name *
Student's Age *
Your name
Relationship to child
Best phone number to contact you
Email address
Child’s Birthday *
When are you looking to send your child to the Waldessori Schoolhouse?
What city will the child be commuting from?
How did you hear about the Waldessori Schoolhouse?
What interested you in the Waldessori Schoolhouse?
How many days per week are you interested in? *
Are you homeschooling right now/will you be on days off? If so, what curriculum do you follow? *
Has your child been in school before? If so, what school(s) and state reason for leaving.
Describe your child's experience at their previous or current school? What is the teaching style of the school? Please describe the environment.
Has your child received any specialized therapies? (OT, Speech, etc) If so, which ones?
Has your child undergone any assessments (psychoeducational, neuropsychological, etc.)
Why do you think Waldorf and/or Montessori is a good fit for your child?
My child is..... *
Does your child have any allergies?
What is your child's diet like on a typical day?
Does your child get screen time? If so, at what frequency and how much per day?
What does your child like to play with?
What is your child's routine (on a typical day)?
What is your child's response to frustration, separation, or changes?
What are your parent practices like? How do you address behavior?
How long do you expect your child to attend the Waldessori Schoolhouse?
Please describe your child's personality.
Is there anything else we should know about your child?
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