PA Schools Work Advocacy Day May 8th
Join advocates from throughout the commonwealth as we go to Harrisburg to hold a rally at noon on the Capitol Steps and to meet with lawmakers to ensure that the General Assembly takes a first step toward Constitutional school funding by enacting Governor Shapiro's FULL education funding proposal.  

We will have a Zoom training session prior to this event for advocates and we will provide you with talking points to use during your meetings with your lawmakers.  Please complete this form and we will be in touch as we prepare for this big day!
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First Name *
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Email for contacting you. *
School District *
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I am interested in meeting with my state senator and/or representative.
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Approximate time you plan to arrive and leave if you would like to have a meeting scheduled. We need to know if we can shechedule them as early as 9:30, for example, or if we can scedule them after lunch. 
Names of your state lawmakers if you would like our help in scheduling a meeting. We will not be able to schedule a meeting without this information.
I am interested in joining the rally at 12 pm on the steps of the Capitol. 
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Is there any other information that you would like us to know? 
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