CAD Board Sign-Up
Please complete this form if you are interested in being one of the board members of Colorado Association of the Deaf. Thank you for your interest! 
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Are you a citizen or legal resident of the United States? *
Are you a current, physical resident of the state of Colorado? *
City of residence/zip code: *
Are you over the age of 18? *
How do you identify yourself? *
Position Descriptions:
1. chief spokesperson for CAD
2. chairs the meetings of the CAD Board and the Annual General Meeting
3. an ex-officio member of all committees

1. presides any time the president is unable to serve, and becomes the president when that office is vacant for any reason
2. may assume the chair of any standing and special committees and other tasks as directed by the president and/or the board

1. is responsible for keeping a record (Minutes) of meetings of the CAD board and of CAD annual general meetings
2. may assume the chair of any standing and special committees and other tasks as directed by the president and/or the board

1. is in charge of all financial matters of the CAD
2. serves as chair of the financial management committee
3. may assume any other tasks as directed by the president and/or the board

Responsibilities for each director will be as determined and as assigned by the CAD board, and listed in our policies and procedures section (by-laws available on CAD website)

TERM OF OFFICE: Each board member serves a term of two (2) years.

TERM LIMITS: No board member shall serve more than four (4) consecutive terms in the same position.

MEETINGS: The board meets once a month unless otherwise directed.

MORE DETAILS: review the bylaws at
Your position(s) of interest: *
Please email your resume. *
Public or unlisted YouTube link of your video (1-minute ASL video explaining which position you're applying for, why you're interested, and why you think you'd be a good fit for the position): *
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