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3 Hong Kong / SUPREME VAS Redemption Form
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請提供您的兌換碼 (Please provide your redemption code)
Your answer
請選擇您的課程 Please select your workshop/course(s)
UFO STEAM 工作坊 (UFO STEAM Workshop)
元宇宙網上課程體驗 - Engage (Metaverse Online Experience Classes)
Minecraft 編程課程 (Minecraft Coding Course)
2D/3D數碼藝術課程 (2D/3D Digital Art Course)
元宇宙創作課程- The Sandbox (Metaverse Creation Program - The Sandbox)
請選擇您的學習方式 Please select your mode(s) of study
Online 線上
Face-to-face 面授
請選擇學生的年齡 Please select your student's age group
Age 6-10
Age 10-15
請選擇時段 Please select your timeslot(s)
週六 Sat
星期三 Wed The Sandbox 課程 The Sandbox Course)
其他 (元宇宙網上課程體驗) - Others (Engage - Metaverse Online Experience Classes)
請選擇時段 (您可以選擇多於一個時間段) Please select timeslot(s) (You can select more than one time period)
11:00-12:00 (工作坊 Workshop)
13:00-14:30 (課程 Course)
14:30-16:00 (課程 Course)
16:30-18:00 (課程 Course)
18:30-21:00 (The Sandbox 課程 The Sandbox Course)
請提供您的姓名 Please provide your name
Your answer
請提供您的聯繫電話 Please provide your contact number
Your answer
請填寫電子郵件地址 Please fill in Email Address
Your answer
感謝提交!Thanks for the submission!
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