Meisner Level 1 - Sign Up
12-Week Level 1 Meisner class
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Full Name *
Email *
Phone *
What is your level of knowledge on the Meisner Technique? *
No knowledge
Can give a Ted Talk on it
What level actor would you consider yourself? *
What do you hope to gain from Meisner training? *
What are your acting goals? *
Please list your general availability throughout the week for class times.  *
Please choose your payment plan *
What payment method do you prefer? *
1. Submission of this application does NOT guarantee a spot in the class. Please await a confirmation from Yisrael before showing up.

2. The Meisner technique relies heavily on partner work. It is therefore imperative that you are able to A. show up to every class for your partner's sake, and B. find time outside of class for drills and rehearsals with your partner (minimum one hour per week). If you cannot commit to this, please wait to join the class until you are ready to commit fully.

3. The Meisner technique begs for deep emotional work. Oftentimes dark truths are revealed in the class setting. Feelings tend to get hurt. It is therefore important that we maintain a safe space within the classroom. This does not mean that we exclude and deter offenses and hold back feelings. That is not truth, and that is not art. In this classroom, we do not hold back - good, bad, or ugly. I do, however, require your solemn word that anything that happens in the classroom will NOT, under ANY circumstances, leave the classroom. 

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