Membership Intake
In response to the grand challenge of inequity in heart failure (HF) care, the TRANSFORM HF Institutional Strategic Initiative was formed in partnership between the University of Toronto and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research in May 2020. The initiative and its network are committed to empowering collaboration and patient-driven, technology-powered equitable care with the ultimate goal of changing the lived experience of heart failure.

We welcome clinicians, researchers, faculty members, trainees, people with lived heart failure experience, and private and public sector partners whose interests and research align with our mission to become members of the network. Our members have access to funding, training, and networking opportunities to help further advance proactive, personalized, and decentralized models of HF care.

Please complete the form below if you are interested in becoming a member. If you have any questions, please contact
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First and last name: *
Email address: *
Why do you want to join the TRANSFORM HF network?
What is your primary affiliation?
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Select which best applies to you: *
If you are affiliated with the University of Toronto in some capacity, what best describes your status?
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If you are affiliated with the University of Toronto in some capacity, what is your primary Division/Faculty?
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If you are affiliated with the University of Toronto in some capacity, what is your primary Unit (Department/Institute)?
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What is your research area (i.e., chemistry, engineering, medicine, social sciences)? *
Please select the Area of Focus which best relates to your research. *
If you are a trainee, please list your supervisors.
Have you completed training on working with people with lived experience (patients, caregivers, and family) and patient engagement strategies? *
Have you completed the Principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP) course? *
Have you completed Cultural Safety Training? *
If no, is such training of interest? *
Do you consent to be subscribed to our e-newsletter mailing list? *
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