College Year In Review
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Year in College *
Обязательный вопрос
Type of High School *
Обязательный вопрос
High School - Did your school allow retakes for tests? *
Обязательный вопрос
High School - Did your school allow for late assignments to be turned in?  *
Обязательный вопрос
If your high school allowed for late homework and test retaking, how did that affect your transition into college?
How was the transition from high school to college? After completing your first year of college, what are a few things you wish you had the opportunity to experience or know in high school that would have helped your transition into college life?   *
What do you use to track assignments in college? *
If you use a planner or calendar of some type, what are the most useful features? *
Would some level of personal coaching or accountability partner (not your parents) have been helpful to guide you through your freshman and/or sophomore year? *
Обязательный вопрос
If yes, how frequently would you have wanted check-ins
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