SDS Convention Registration 2024
Join New Students for a Democratic Society as we host our 18th annual National Convention at the University of Colorado on October 12th to 13th, 2024!

Our chapters, members, and friends across the campus movements will be traveling in from around the country to say, "Stand with Palestine, Save Our Education!"

Join us for our national convention and get involved with the student movement by joining Students for a Democratic Society!

Stand with Palestine!
Save Education!
Protect Academic Freedom!

Event Address: Denver, Colorado
The convention will be held on the weekend of Oct. 12th-13th, starting on the morning of Saturday the 12th.

Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your phone number?
What is your email address?
What school do you go to? In what city?
Which organization are you affiliated with?

Note: If none, say N/A
How will you be traveling to the convention? *
What day will you be arriving?

Please note: we recommend out-of-towners arrive Friday evening as our conference starts Saturday morning.
Will you require housing? (It is recommended to provide your own housing, since free housing will be limited) *
Do you want to table for your organization? *
Do you want to give a workshop?

Note: We will have separate forms to register workshops
Do you have dietary restrictions?
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What is your t-shirt size? *
Do you have any other accommodations we should know about?
Comments and/or questions
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