Event and Initiative Support Request Form
Salam Alaikum! This form was created with the intention to encourage and provide support for individuals that seek to introduce a new initiative within the Hopkins Muslim community. By filling out this form, you will be introducing an idea that you have and which you seek support for from the Johns Hopkins Graduate Muslim Students Association (JHGMSA).

While serving a motivated and enthusiastic Muslim community, the JHGMSA e-board may commonly receive feedback and suggestions for new events. Some of these suggestions may be easily adopted and implemented in the near future, with little follow through effort necessary on the recommender's part. Others may be more difficult to organize, and as such, would require proponent's own leadership initiative, which the JHGMSA seeks to support. 

If you have already planned an event and merely seek the communication support of the JHGMSA (i.e. requesting that the JHGMSA send out an email and post about it), you do not need to fill out this application form and can simply email members of the eboard. 

Please note that this form is intended for community members that seek to create an event, or want to introduce an initiative within the Muslim community, and which may require the additional support of the JHGMSA. 

When you are done completing the form please send an email to jhgmsa-request@lists.jh.edu stating you have! 
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Full Name  *
Email (JHU Preferred)  *
What is the title of the initiative/event you are proposing?
Please provide a 50-100 word description of your initiative/idea.
Please explain why you think this is an important initiative and the event's purpose (50-100 words)
Describe how you plan to ensure that this event will be Islamically informed and motivated (50-100 words)
What type of support are you seeking from the JHGMSA?  Consider addressing points related to whether you expect communication and advertising of the event, logistical support (ex. venue reservation and funding support) and prefer the JHGMSA to actively participate in the planning of the program of the event (50 words). 
How do you plan to take leadership on this initiative? Please try to propose a timeline, time commitment you have for this project, and how you plan to maintain communication and updates with the JHGMSA (100-150 words)
Please use this space to write out any additional supporting information to the form
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