Smuggler's Notch Scoping Study 
Public Concerns and Concept Survey - Open until November 16th, 2022.
If you have ideas about how changes to the Route 108 entry and exit between Stowe and Cambridge can be improved to eliminate the 'stuck truck' problem, we'd love to hear from you.  This study will be developing design concepts for the Smugglers' Notch and Stowe Resort side of Route 108 that would ideally eliminate trucks getting stuck in the high point of the Notch. 

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This image illustrates the two locations being considered for changes to stop and turn around large trucks before they get stuck at the summit of Smugglers' Notch.  Note that the areas in which potential projects could be located are outside of Smugglers' Notch State Park.

What are your major concerns about any potential solutions to stop and turn around large trucks (>45' wheelbase) on the Smugglers' Notch (Cambridge) side of Route 108? 
What are your major concerns about any potential solutions to stop and turn around large trucks (>45' wheelbase) on the Stowe side of Route 108? 
What do you believe would be elements of a successful solution to stop large trucks from entering Smugglers' Notch / Route 108? What would a 'good' project look like, in your opinion? 
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