Mailing address for Team (street number and name or PO Box info)* *
Your answer
City *
Your answer
State *
Your answer
Zip Code *
Your answer
Mobile Phone (team captain) *
Your answer
Email address (team captain or team) *
Your answer
Additional Team Members (include full name, email and mobile phone please) *
Your answer
Which Division are you entering for competition? (Semi-Pro $150, Backyard $100, Northest Florida School, Non-Competing Food Vendor $150) *
Do you possess a food service license and would like to sell ready to eat foods at your tent? ($100) ** Non-Competing Food Vendors are not eligible to sell ** *
Payments: How will you submit your entry payment for the Railyard BBQ Challenge? *
What type of smoker / cooker will you be using on location at the event? *
What brand and model is your smoker? (If homemade, please list the style and approx dimensions of your smoker) *
Your answer
Do you have social media pages or profiles for your TEAM? If yes, please post a link or the names below, so we can help promote you. Also, please help us promote the event by sharing our BBQ Teams and Ticket Sales posts. It helps you too. :) *
Your answer
By submitting this entry form and accompanying payment, do you hereby agree that you have read and agree to all competition rules set forth in the competition rules at the below link: *
Print / Type your full name below one last time as your signature. *